Comma Usage in Literature
Yeah, I know, languages evolve and all that.
That does not mean that there are no rules, and when doing a professional translation/publication you should at least try to follow the rules that are in place.
Otherwise, why don't we all write like the average facebook comment section? It's the way a lot of people do it after all... -
@mirage_gsm Grammar exists to serve the purpose of whatever situation language is being used at any given time. For a fictional prose work whose main purpose is to entertain, the purpose of grammar is to protect and enhance the enjoyability of reading the prose. Some of the grammar rules that might be used for, say, an official academic report whose main purpose is to convey information in a professional manner, might not be appropriate for a prose novel, and if the writer/translator/editor decides that the most enjoyable way to read a given passage is to break the grammar rules a bit, then that is their judgment. Obviously it's a judgment with room to argue to the contrary, but it's not a matter of "we must stick to the strictest of grammar rules for every official publication or else we might as well descend into total grammar anarchy".