Android Beta feedback
First off:
- Galaxy S8 Rev 1.0
- Android version 8.0.0
Noted issues on Latest page:
- Percentage read is no longer displayed in status bar. (New behavior or bug?)
Android 6.0.1 Nexus 5
Still not seeing pictures. -
Yup yup, sadly image bug is still... buggy.
Samsung Galaxy Tab A (SM-T280)
Android 5.1.1A few images load, then it stops loading more. Harder to test with the rendering changes, takes a long time to change pages after the first few.
I think maybe there just need to be some form of minimum requirements like any PC program. Poor sad crappy tablet can't run nuthin'!
I would really like either a "proceed to next section" option or the vol ume and section number in the options pull down, Also the app tends to reset to the new release screen when it looses conection
Here's something a little different. All of my read percentages went to zero. Everything that I've read recently is now showing as "New" or "Preview". Now I did travel half way around the world and am using roaming data.