Hell Mode (Manga)
Title: ヘルモード ~やり込み好きのゲーマーは廃設定の異世界で無双する~ はじまりの召喚士
Publisher: Comic Earth Star
Status: Currently at 20 chapters, 2 vols released
https://www.comic-earthstar.jp/detail/hellmode/The manga version of hell mode.
I think the art is well drawn and nice to look at, and the best part is being able to see all the various summons in action. The manga condenses the first LN volume to just 4 chapters, which speeds things up so we get to the Granvelle arc sooner, but cuts out a lot of explanations. This wouldn't be a problem for LN readers thou. The current chapter 20 is up to where Allen and Cecil flee from the kidnappers.
Comic Earth Star is also the publisher for Der Werewolf and Instant Death Cheat manga, which JNC has previously licensed.
I wonder what hell Mode would be for the manga author and illustrator? Would they have to include every scene from the light novel in full color?
@mortcs said in Hell Mode (Manga):
I wonder what hell Mode would be for the manga author and illustrator? Would they have to include every scene from the light novel in full color?
Manga are very rarely full colour and this is not an exception. Manga adaptations never include every detail from the source LN due to the limited word count (one LN volume will either spread over multiple manga volumes which can take years, or skip over a lot) but sometimes may include new content or even diverge from the source.
You can sample the first two chapters (in Japanese) here: https://www.comic-earthstar.jp/sp/detail/hellmode/
@shiroi-hane said in Hell Mode (Manga):
@mortcs said in Hell Mode (Manga):
I wonder what hell Mode would be for the manga author and illustrator? Would they have to include every scene from the light novel in full color?
Manga are very rarely full colour and this is not an exception. Manga adaptations never include every detail from the source LN due to the limited word count (one LN volume will either spread over multiple manga volumes which can take years, or skip over a lot) but sometimes may include new content or even diverge from the source.
You can sample the first two chapters (in Japanese) here: https://www.comic-earthstar.jp/sp/detail/hellmode/
I think my joke failed.
Just finished v5 of the novel and moving on to v6. Still hoping the manga will be picked up.