"From Old Country Bumpkin to Master Swordsman" Anime Adaptation Announced
Anime Adaptation for the series has been announced along with a Teaser and the release Season of Spring 2025 (aka., April 2025).
Links :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWXAVb_MSLs (Teaser)
https://ossan-kensei.com/ (Official Site)
https://x.com/ossan_kensei (Official X/Twitter) -
Fuck yeah, this should be good hopefully. Hype.
I could not handle reading this series, but I would like to see the anime of it.
I wasn't a super fan of the LN but I'll try watching the first episodes to see if the story works better in that format.
@Lex - the Unwanted Undead anime did a good job of keeping the good parts of the LN while throwing away much of squirrel-brain Rentt's pointless digressions and repeated repetition so there's a chance.
Since it's about a swordmaster we can hope that they'll pay for some decent animation of that part.
@HarmlessDave well at the worst it will make a cracking drinking game, take a drink everytime he thinks he's to old or that he's weak and lacks talent.
If they don't fix it at least a little you would be hammered 5 minutes into every episode.