Transported to an RPG world --- older than you think
I was just sorting through some boxes of old books, and I came across a novel where people get transported to an RPG world where they are now their (table top) RPG characters.
It was written in English. In 1983.
The book is "The Sleeping Dragon" by Joel Rosenberg. It is the first volume of a four volume series. It didn't impress me enough back then to get me to purchase volumes 2-4.
From a quick skim read, the setup from the first few chapters seems to be
@Libri-Liberorum said in Transported to an RPG world --- older than you think:
I was just sorting through some boxes of old books, and I came across a novel where people get transported to an RPG world where they are now their (table top) RPG characters.
It was written in English. In 1983.
The book is "The Sleeping Dragon" by Joel Rosenberg. It is the first volume of a four volume series. It didn't impress me enough back then to get me to purchase volumes 2-4.
From a quick skim read, the setup from the first few chapters seems to be
It grew into ten volumes.
The Guardians of the Flame
I also read the first volume, and don't believe I read beyond that. was much better than Quag Keep, which isn't necessarily strong praise.
I liked the first book, and I’ve read some of the other titles from the series. It goes to some interesting places, and had some interesting things to say. Some of it deals with some rather heavy topics, so it’s not always a series I readily recommend to others. But the five titles I do own still have a place on my bookshelves for a reason. (shrug)
I think I read two books before dropping it.
I read this entire series after buying it from the Science Fiction Book Club back in the 90's. It was a really good series IMO.
If I am not mixing up my book series, I believe in this one, there was a scene were a bunch of wizards or viziers or something (cannot recall) were sitting around rolling dice at the same to to cause some kind of reality surge when they all rolled the same thing.
First couple books were about getting home and then there was a whole long arc about destroying slavery and then one of the MC died and i don't recall the rest. I guess I should dig out my books.