Happy Pi Day!
π 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716...
939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679...
Its pi day for mm/dd/yy users but what about dd/mm/yy users ???
@hopebestman You’d need it to be 31/4 despite April having only thirty days, 3/14 despite only having twelve months, or 3/1/4x. So rather than wait two decades, you are cordially invited to join us in the mm/dd/yy silliness once a year for Pi Day.
@EmpactWB They could celebrate 27/1 for e, though.
@EmpactWB just for one they tho. I dont want to miss anything from here.
Just pretend you're using the superior yyyy/mm/dd format and ignoring the year.
Here in the US, we've already gone through Splat Day, the first work day after we "Spring Forward" and hit the wall of reality.
@SomeOldGuy ☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻