Kuro no Shoukanshi (Black Summoner)[Licensed by J-Novel Club]
- How well it might sell
- How popular it is among English-speaking fans
- Whether or not JNC even wants to license it
- How much the publisher wants for the license
- Whether the author even wants it to be published overseas
Longer series need higher prospective numbers since you need to tie up a translator and editor for longer, and each successive book inevitably goes down in sales.
Series that are very similar to something already being done might have a problem of not feeling different enough to attract new readers.
Finally, the ballpark numbers for "we're approximately going to break even" is about 2000 sales, whereas the numbers for "worth considering physical prints" is about 5000 sales. Even Rakudai, at 118 votes, is just 5% of the sales needed to break even, and that's assuming all 118 of those people actually decide to buy it if it came out.
This isn't fan translation, JNC goes through official channels. They're making deals with people, and deals take time, money, and planning.
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Licensed by J-Novel Club