home page on website suggestions
I responded under the SEO topic, but I felt that my concern was different:
(maybe, my technical expertise re web content, source code, etc. is non-existent)
I found JNC through a referral (fan translation site that did Rokojouma) but if I were searching for JNC then, I would've never found it. Maybe, now I would proactively search for JNC based on all of the titles up on Amazon or whatever, but the home page isn't immediately clear on what JNC is.
(Yes I would look at the 'about us' or FAQ links but I'm not particularly lazy in this regard, and I see room for improvement)
For a surfer, potential customer/member, or newbie - maybe a couple of bullet points on the landing page?
JNC is :
A publisher specializing in officially licensed Japanese popular literature translated into English
A community of fans of Japanese light novels and manga
A media company that produces books and e-books, and sells exclusive versions of digital media to its members
JNC is not:
A site hosting scanilations, fan translations, fan-fiction, torrents or any other unofficial/unlicensed content
A retail outlet of books or e-books (other than premium versions of e-books to its members)