A way to keep track of currently reading series
There should be a way of keeping track of the series I'm currently reading and where I am in them. As I read more and more stuff from J-Novel Club I start to forget where I am in various books, or also to be notified when a volume starts releasing new chapters. Is there any way this could get added?
I agree having a tracking function on the site would be helpful, but for now you can keep track in the app.
Opening the app and seeing where I left off on a particular series doesn’t take much.
They will be overhauling the website so maybe a tracker will be part of the future upgrades, as for a notification system it has been brought up before and although I wouldn’t benefit from it at all others probably will...
I don't read on my phone (unless on break at work). I use the website so an app isn't helpful.
Well, last year I requested it as well, but it seems it will take a (very long) while for it to get implemented.
As far as I can see from this site's API, the structure is a bit haphazard, so it will need an overhaul first. -
I'd really like for this to be a built in feature too. :)
I actually use Google Keep with each short tag for a series and the last volume/part read -- the app sometimes forgets where I am too, so it's helpful. <_<
For notifications, the links in tgquan67's sig work great with https://feed43.com/ (if you like RSS).
That link also provide proper RSS feed at the bottom of the page, so you can use without dealing with grabbing data from HTML.
... yeah, that's way easier. ^_^; Thanks!
I would love a tracker and notification function too! An email notification would be preferred for me for sure! (Once a day if per release is too much strain on their servers) I'll probably forget about the manga I am reading, then remember in a month and have no idea where I was up to lol.
EDIT - Also just got the app.... Doesn't seem to have any Manga on there, so I can't even use that to keep track of that. RIP.
@the-one-demon the manga is in their app for me, but I'm an Android user signed up for betas so it might be different for others.
@the-one-demon if you use iOS, then I recommend signing up for the beta app. You can find info about that here: https://forums.j-novel.club/topic/2364/a-way-to-keep-track-of-currently-reading-series
@smashman42 said in A way to keep track of currently reading series:
@the-one-demon the manga is in their app for me, but I'm an Android user signed up for betas so it might be different for others.
@legitpancake said in A way to keep track of currently reading series:
@the-one-demon if you use iOS, then I recommend signing up for the beta app. You can find info about that here: https://forums.j-novel.club/topic/2364/a-way-to-keep-track-of-currently-reading-series
Thank you guys! I'm on Android and signed up to the beta and there's a button to go to Manga. Pretty sure it wasn't there before lol.
EDIT - Unfortunately no kind of tracking for Manga... Might try Google Keep. If only trackr.moe was compatible with the site.
I'd love to be able to follow selected series, or even just a history button would be good so I can see what series I have read before.
With the addition of so many new series it is getting harder to scroll through to find the series you are reading. It would be great to have a tab to keep track of the series you are reading and where you have last left off.
Easy solution: Read everything. I will admit though, with the number of new titles getting added, that is starting to be quite a challenge. Kind of like watching all the anime released in a season. Although the quality level here is much higher.
Edit to add: Currently, I've got a backlog of 24 parts to read, with more getting added every day.