Make premium books easier and more intuitive to find
As a new subscriber to the Premium service, I have (and am still) looked through the website four times over and found no links or signs that point to where I can redeem my premium credits for the series I want. Maybe I'm just blind and doing it on my phone doesn't help but I really wish it felt more intuitive like a button in the account section.
You need to go the the volume's page and click the yellow PREMIUM button near the volume's cover.
For example these are the 2 links you want to visit to redeem Potion Loli volume 1 & 2 and pre-order volume 3:-
After you redeem the premium credit for a volume the yellow button changes its text to IN LIBRARY.
Anyway, I do agree that the site UI really needs to be updated/changed to make things easier.
Click on any series from or any update from, you will see a box like this (scroll down a bit on mobile):
Click on "Buy the ebook", you will see
There you go, "Premium" option is there. -
Love JNC but yeah their website reeeeeally needs an update.