RSS Feed option for .epub releases
Hopefully this wasn't brought up before [though this is similar] (and extra hopeful it isn't already an option that I'm just blind to), but I much prefer to read most books all at once, not in weekly parts (though some I definitely do read weekly). So while I like being able to follow individual series sometimes, I would very much like a way to be notified, via RSS Feed, when the final .epub file that I pre-ordered is ready for download so that I immediately know when it is ready as it would be more convenient than having to check my library for new books periodically.
Even if I'm currently following a series, I don't get notified of the final .epub file, just that the last part is ready, which happens weeks before the final .epub file (and often times there is no way to know when that is the last part when just looking at the feed as some end at 8 and others at 12, or anywhere in between).
Oh, and a way to separate between Updated .epub files and New .epub files would be great too, just in case there wasn't already a clear distinction between them, as I'm personally only interested in New.
Thanks for reading!