Please give us the ability for us to tip our spare coins to staff members. They then can redeem these for books same as users, or for $$$ based on a set conversion rate.
This will both benefit staff as well as provide a productive way of using spare coinage that appers with the new system.
I'm honestly not sure that JNC wants to get into the whole business of tipping out since that leads to taxation implications which I'm sure they're currently not set up to deal with.
Gifting coins might be something that could happen eventually. A lot of users have asked for the ability to gift memberships and things to other users, it's just not something that can easily be worked out until they've had a chance to fully upgrade all the systems that run the web site. Once such a gifting system was set up, there wouldn't really be anything stopping you from gifting coins to staff (though such a system would have to have a mechanism to allow the recipient to accept or reject the gift).