How do you add the badge to your username?
I have seen some members have the, "member", badge next to their username, as well as some members having, "premium member", next to they username.
Just wondering how to activate this cause I am premium and I just have no idea what to do.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
That's a good question. When I became a premium member the other day I had it next to my name for a grand total of one posting. I would be interested in finding out how to toggle that on and off.
There should be a drop down in edit profile where you can select your group badge.
If not then it's a bug I think in the forum software
Nope, there is none. Just "No Goup Title". It's a bug for sure.
@Sam-Pinansky like Merithyn I have a it saying No Group when I go to that drop down.
@Rahul-Balaggan Yeah, it's a side effect I think of having that "Group" be hidden, which means it doesn't show up on the group lists.
I'm thinking of trying to get around the bug by disabling the "groups" page completely and making the group public.
So I can't get one?
So how do you solve this premium member issue?
@zing you go to your profile, edit, group title, and select “premium member”
I have gone ahead and done it for you.
@Rahul-Balaggan hello, I only see "No group title".