Website suggestions
Hello, here are some some suggestion I would personally like implemented - most are for easier navigability. There may be reasons why they are not implemented, but I don't know them and I'd like to share them anyway.
Rating system for members - so people very roughly know which series are good.
Sort series by current popularity and total number of ratings or views, or follows.
Show entries in page more than 10 like 20, 50, infinite scrolling - it's annoying to click next page 27 times to see all series.
Show most recent prepub on top of page - annoying to scroll to bottom for long series.
Connect series to a forum thread about them. So I can immediately jump over and read reactions and thoughts after finishing a chapter or a book.
A better way to seach and browse tags rather than entering for example tag:"medieval" in seach. Or seeing what tags a series has in sidebar.
I noticed some of these already implemented in forum page, but couldn't find them at series page.
I'm new here so sorry if something from this is already implemented, if it is, then my suggestion would be to make them easier to find.
Thank you for consideration.
@MonoKono said in Website suggestions:
Connect series to a forum thread about them. So I can immediately jump over and read reactions and thoughts after finishing a chapter or a book.
Series already do this, there's a "discuss on forums" button on each series page (right under the follow button) that takes you to the Vol 1 discussion of the respective series (may not work quite so well on the oldest of series where forum discussion topics were less standardized than they are now). Clicking the forums button on the reader takes you to the discussion topic for the volume you're reading (there is a bit of funkiness if you change volumes within the reader and it may take you to the topic for whichever volume you originally clicked on).
First item I don't think is supported by the web site at the moment and would be a low priority item. Second item based on the livestream last week they didn't have the metrics for until just recently.
Agree with the third option, though I hate infinite scrolling, so I'd rather the fixed amount be increased if it can't be set from a pick list.
I don't really agree with 4 since that could get confusing for people who are looking into the series and might want to start from the beginning or if a series is on catchup, if you're looking for the latest available pre-pub, it's better to just use the calendar.