Reduce Automatic Logouts (if on multiple devices (?))
I find my account randomly logs out quite frequently, perhaps as a result of logging in on another device. I use on a few different devices, my laptop, desktop and phone so this can get a bit annoying.
Could the automatic logouts be made far more infrequent?
Your login will last exactly 2 weeks and shouldn't be impacted by logging into any other device. I believe there was a bug with Firefox that they found that was causing premature logouts.
No no even I was experiencing this I use chrome on mobile and brave on pc
@Baka_Neko Well the issue was only being reported by people using Firefox, no one who tried with Chrome was able to reproduce the problem, and no one's been reporting premature logouts on chrome as far as I know. Perhaps the temporary solution they mentioned in discord will work for chrome until the fix is published to the site.
Given that chromium based browsers account for something above 80% of all browsers in use these days, if there is a problem with the site on Chrome, it will get looked into much faster than FF and other non-chrome based browsers.
I was able to reproduce the logout issue and fixed it. (The fix is not live yet)
In the meantime, to avoid this issue, you can try to not click any button/link (anything that changes the URL) while the page is not focused. For example, click on the website's background first to focus the page, if you clicked somewhere outside of the website before.One thing to keep in mind is that the logins are all independent, so if you log in on one browser, it should keep you logged in for 2 weeks, if you log in on another browser, it will keep that browser logged in for 2 week starting when you logged in on that one. Logging in with a new browser/device won't reset the login periods on any other login you have going elsewhere. This can mean you'll have a bevy of re-logins to perform on several devices all at once every 2 weeks.
I have a similar problem, it's especially annoying when I'm logged off in the middle of binge reading a book. It would be ideal if the logoff timeout would reset when one access the site.
Edit: I use chrome on android. -
Chrome on Android user here, also having unexpected logouts. No reason or rhyme I can tell. Frequency depends on how much I'm on mobile, which usually isn't much, but can be a couple times a week. Sometimes not too long after the previous login, but hardly ever more than once a day.
No such issues in Opera on Windows.
Safari on MacOS and iPad, JNC app on iPhone and iPad when in low-bandwidth areas. When switching frequently between devices, I'll sometimes get random logouts after less than a day. Two weeks? Ahahahahahahahahahah. Dream on.
I've reported this before, but stopped because it didn't seem to do any good.