Issues with new release calendar format
It seems that the release calendar was changed to have the part number listed in the title and the bar on the left changed to "Prepub Publishing". I much preferred the old format, because it was easier to see what part something is, particularly part 1 of a new volume or the final part. The current format has no indication at all for if a part is the final one, which is a problem for titles I like to read all at once rather than each part weekly.
I understand that there may be a good reason for the new format, but at the very least, I'd like it to be more clear if a part is the beginning or end of a volume.
@LeavesCat This is on the features to fix list already.
@admin great to hear. I came on to make the same request.
Hoping this is still on the list. I used to scan the calendar for when each book was finishing (aka Part 10 Final, etc.) and add them to my calendar. Was a lot faster than having to read each title and also guess if it was the last part of a volume or not.