Make an Ascendance of a Bookworm manga corrections topic
I'm not sure where to post this, but I hope this is the right place.
Bookworm is a series which necessitates a very accurate translation, and the correction topics for Bookworm light novels and fanbooks were moved to the Bookworm forum away from the other corrections topics, so the editor @Kier can access them easily and make fixes when needed.
In fact so many corrections are posted that a separate corrections post per volume is made instead of a post for the whole series, like other light novel series.
The normal rule is that corrections for manga are to be posted in the manga discussion topic of that volume. Unfortunately, as the corrections are spread between posts discussing the manga, these are hard to spot for Kier and he might miss them, which has already happened. As it's Bookworm, more corrections are posted and there are more discussion posts than some other series have.
As a solution, Kier said we could tag him for each corrections post, and then he'll see them and upvote them. He said this in the Part 3 Volume 1 manga discussion topic, which is now buried and no one looks at it anymore because the volume is done streaming.
Which leads to the current issue I have: nobody is tagging Kier anymore in the manga discussion topics. Either users don't know they should (missed his comment) or they just forgot. I always have to scan the discussion topic for any corrections, quote them and tag Kier, because nobody else seems to. Kier seems to appreciate this and upvotes my posts to let me know he saw them and will implement the changes.
But it's tiring to have to do this for every manga volume, when a simple solution would be to make an exception for the Bookworm manga like there is for the light novels and make a separate corrections topic for the manga. (Like there is for the Short Story Collections and the Fanbooks.) So that's my request.
It would be easier for Kier to check for corrections, and this would be a huge help as I won't have to keep tagging him anymore. I assume the amount of corrections posted will increase as the translations of Part 3 and Part 4 of the manga continue, because there's more noble/magic/world building terminology than in parts 1 and 2.