A change is needed in how the Series list is displayed
With now over 400 titles between Manga and Light Novels it may be a good time to implement a better way of being able to search and/or sort them. For instance instead of just being able to go page by page as your looking for a title, it would be much better to be able to directly jump to titles that started with D for instance. Even being able to jump to page 9 out of x would be better than having to go page by page through 20+ pages.
On top of that more filtering options would be useful as well. Filtering by Author, Illustrator, or by tag. Being able to change how titles are displayed would also be useful. If you are just looking to get to a specific title then you don't need to see the summery for them, however if your looking for something else to read you would want to see them.
Maybe this should get its own thread, but having the series that your following show up as a tab in the Coming soon, Recent tabs. So it would be Coming Soon, Recent, Following.