Might I suggest that JNC put MOBI (or other kindle supported format) premiums in the "my library" section in addition to EPUB? I cannot fathom why anyone would pay the same (or more) to purchase a JNC title from amazon vs. using premium credits. The multiple times commenters mention using Calibre to convert formats (and the objections to not doing so, i.e. not owning a PC) make it clear to me that there is 'demand' for having content in a 'direct to kindle-friendly' format.
New Website Feedback
It might be better if clicking the name of a release brings you to the series page, since we already have the green part buttons to bring us to the reader. Right now, unless I'm missing something, I have to go to the series section, then search for the series, then click into it if I want to get there and read a volume summary or preorder a volume.
Might I suggest that JNC put MOBI (or other kindle supported format) premiums in the "my library" section in addition to EPUB? I cannot fathom why anyone would pay the same (or more) to purchase a JNC title from amazon vs. using premium credits. The multiple times commenters mention using Calibre to convert formats (and the objections to not doing so, i.e. not owning a PC) make it clear to me that there is 'demand' for having content in a 'direct to kindle-friendly' format.
Getting an odd bug in the reader - when I use arrow keys or click to turn the pages, it always skips the last page of the chapter and moves onto the next one. Dragging the slider to the end will make it display the last page, though.
@HamsterExAstris Right now, the "new books" is simply based on publication date. In the future, we will store last download status for people as well, to also provide notifications regarding when an update to the EPUB comes out.
@KingKillerX Could you please elaborate on what you liked during the first launch? We haven't made any changes that I think would make it hate-able.
@Jon-Mitchell We will add MOBI support at a later date when the backend is worked on.
@Silverleaf That is a know issue that will be addressed.
How do we find the "series id" or "user id" that the RSS feeds rely on? The example provided for bookworm makes it pretty clear that there's no way to figure it out based on usernames or titles.
EDIT: Found the buttons on the user profile and series pages. Not sure how I missed those when I first asked
EDIT2: Yay, they're new. I guess I wasn't blind. -
Can you you put an option to display the book covers in the users library. I liked being able to look at the covers of all the books I've bought and a drop down list with titles only isn't as satisfying.
Also the first volume of My Big Sister Lives in a Fantasy World was mistakenly labeled as
Volume 2: The World's Strongest Little Brother in my user library. -
@chocolatkey I literally just saw those and thought I had somehow been blind this whole time. Thanks =)
For Kokoro Connect in my library, Asu Random should be volumes 9 & 10, and those are curiously the only volumes to say "volume" albeit with wrong info.
Also Faraway Paladin Torch Port Ensemble is technically volume 5 (4 narratively).
Finally, I'd like to suggest having a dropdown box on the series tab to choose how many items to display. Currently it's locked to 10, but it'd be nice to be able to change it to maybe 20, 50, 100, etc.
The new reader is good, and I like the narrow page option.
But the absence of the Crimson Text font makes me still use old site. -
@Choubugioxkei said in New Website Feedback:
The new website won't load at all on my phone on Chrome. AdBlock browser works, but I rarely use that.
Android 8.1, Blackberry KeyOne. Chrome's up-to-date.
This issue persists. To be more specific, it sits on the loading screen with the circle, forever.
About the reader:
The page width seems to be slightly too wide in one page mode and slightly too narrow in two page mode. I would widen the two page mode page width so that the ratio of the page would more closely match printed book's pages and then narrowing the one page mode page width to match one page width in two page mode. Even better would be to allow each user to decide it themselves and make it adjustable.
I agree with other people that the default font size is slightly too small. It's good that we can adjust it as we want to, so this is not a huge problem, but shouldn't the defaults be something that most people would not have to touch at all?
Why did you remove the future books from series page? They were really nice to have and quickly see the Japanese release dates of future books. Just don't give us the full names of future volumes since they might spoil stuff and also make the cover pages remain blurred even on mouse hover. I really liked having the Japanese release dates listed there, so this seems like you are taking away something nice we had to solve a small problem instead of making small tweaks to it to make it golden.
@Tube said in New Website Feedback:
Why did you remove the future books from series page? They were really nice to have and quickly see the Japanese release dates of future books. Just don't give us the full names of future volumes since they might spoil stuff and also make the cover pages remain blurred even on mouse hover. I really liked having the Japanese release dates listed there, so this seems like you are taking away something nice we had to solve a small problem instead of making small tweaks to it to make it golden.
It's a legal issue. J-Novel Club doesn't have the rights to every volume of every series, and when JNC do get the rights to any one volume (they have to be licensed individually and sometimes in batches) is not always announced until it starts streaming the prepubs. You can always copy the Japanese title available on every series page and paste it into the Bookwalker Japan store and see all the volumes available there.
@LegitPancake Telling that there exists more books of a series does not require license for it. Like Wikipedia lists the Japanese volumes, and I am quite certain Wikipedia is not licensing any volumes. Cover images might not be as clear of a deal, but even they might fall under the same fair use doctrines, especially so if displayed at a low enough resolution, and even more so if they would just be blurred versions.
@Tube Japan does not have Fair Use laws (I believe), and J-Novel Club is not a Wikipedia/database website.
Telling that there exists more books of a series does not require license for it.
How do you know that? Have you seen the contracts? We do not have access to such legal information, so we can't jump to conclusions. No other publisher shows unlicensed volumes on their website. Also it's been said by staff members that having those volumes give customers an unspoken promise that JNC is guaranteed to translate them, and giving such promises is never a good idea.
I think the new design looks nicer and better functionality wise, but the reader could use more work. I very much prefer the old design of the reader, one page, narrow width and Crimson Text font.
By the way, opening Calendar page from a bookmark or in a new tab breaks the layout completely somehow. This is in Chrome browser.
Screenshot: -
@LegitPancake said in New Website Feedback:
Japan does not have Fair Use laws
Good thing JNC is an American company and must thus comply to American copyright laws. Ascendance of a Bookworm gets the same protection in every country that a piece of literature written in that country would enjoy, not the protection it would enjoy in its country of origin.
@LegitPancake said in New Website Feedback:
How do you know that? Have you seen the contracts?
No, I just have seen enough contracts to know that they hardly ever contain random clauses that prevent the other contract party to list encyclopedic, truthful content about the other contract partner. Also the fact that the information was already available on the beta site implies that there are no contractual restictions in place. I also did not say that it is impossible to contractually agree something like that, only that making a list of books does not require a license. Assuming that such random clause does exist with no evidence and asserting for certain that it must be a legal issue is the odd thing to do here.
@LegitPancake said in New Website Feedback:
Also it's been said by staff members that having those volumes give customers an unspoken promise that JNC is guaranteed to translate them, and giving such promises is never a good idea.
That is another thing, and might be actually a somewhat good reason to not list them. (Not the "I feel like it must be a legal issue." Not every problem in the world is a legal one.) However, with JNC never having stopped a series so far (as far as I know) the unspoken promise is already in the air, no avoiding it now. Might as well also make a use of a useful feature they already have the code for.
The new site is nice but for reading I prefer the old version of the reader. I hope it will continue to be available for future releases as well.
Please stop this back and forth.
A point was brought up and a suggestion was made, at this point it will be at J-Novel Club’s discretion on what will happen.
Going back and forth without full knowledge of the situation will get us all nowhere.
@Arindel I am having the same problem with the Calendar page when I go to the site from my favorites bar. I use Microsoft Edge. The error seems to be confined to only Mar 15 through Mar 18