Unable to real latest chapters
Hi there, I am a premium user, my account is still running and up to date, but for some reason I am unable to read the new chapters of the spirit chronicles, when I try I get message telling me I am not authorized to read them, is this a bug on my end? I love the site and amd happy to support you guys with my monthly sub, but I really would like to be able to read the latest chapters. Thank you for the work you do and I hope you can help me figure this out.
@fueyen77 I've had that happen to me a couple times; it always winds up that I got logged out on accident.
As TheGrimLich mentioned, check if you're still logged in on the main site (not the forums), your login token only lasts I think 14 days and then expires which requires you to log in again.
@jpwong I have tried to log back into the main site and it just sits there loading, the forums seem to be fine, but I have no luck with the main site it seems. Thank you to you both for the advice though.
If you have further problems after logging out and back in, you should send an email to support so they can further assist you.
Thank you
Could it possibly be a browser issue?
I've had issues with login tokens on some browsers before.