Vol. 7
Why is it taking so long for this book chapters to come out? It has already been out in English by others clubs. The last club stopped due to buy out and i needed the few chapters and really hoped that this would of moved faster.
@Temple-Melton The book got held up in licencing hell but they started pre-pub last week with part 1 and 2 and part 3 and 4 are coming out tomorrow so you can start reading right now
@Temple-Melton Uhh, JNC is releasing 2 parts a week, the entire volume is going to be done in 3 weeks. JNC is also the only official English publisher of this light novel, so if you're reading it in English and they're further ahead, that would be an illegal third party translation in all likelihood.
It's possible you posted in the wrong section entirely, but if not...
What we have here at J-Novel Club is an officially licensed translation of the Light Novel.
You posted in the Web Novel discussion section.
J-Novel doesn't do translations of Web Novels, it's just a section of the forum to discuss them.While there are a couple of English language firms licensing Web Novels for translation rather than works already released in Japan as Light Novels, none of them license Web Novels that have a Light Novel version.
Thus, as hinted at by @jpwong , any English translation of this work you have come across other than that being produced by J-Novel Club is an illegal translation.
When you say the last club stopped due to buy out, I suspect what you really experienced was their ceasing their fan translation when they learned that the work now had a legal license; most fan translation sites do that.
Licensed translations start with the very beginning of the work and progress from there, creating an entirely new translation as they go; they don't build upon the fan TL, they don't pick up where the furthest along fan TL left off, they start from word one and go from there.ETA: Well, most of the time.
J-Novel does have at least one title [Invaders of the Rokujouma] where they made arrangements to bring the chap doing the fan TL onboard and use what they had already translated as the basis for the licensed TL, and then continue the translation here once the published version caught up with what they had already produced.
I also know of one scanlation where the folks producing it, as part of announcing they were ceasing to do so as a scanlation... let everyone know that the newly licensed version had negotiated to use what they had produced as the official translation up to where they were ceasing work. In all of these cases it was because the fan translations had done such a good job and everyone was willing to work together to get the licensed product firmly established. -
Rahul Balaggan