Misfit of demon king academy physical
Will it happen?
Provided there are enough sales to justify a physical print run, probably.
No announcement of it happening, so for now it's digital only. It could happen eventually as TheGrimLich said, best way to make that more likely is to ensure it sells well, so buy it yourself and recommend it to others.
As @GeorgeMTO says it mostly depends on digital sales. If a series is selling well digitally then JNC is likely to conclude that a print edition would be popular, but if it isn't then they'll see it as too much of a risk.
As such the best thing you can do to increase the chances of a physical release is to spread the word about the series and the LN. It's a fun series so an easy recommendation, but those who have seen the anime might not realise that the LN is still worth a read even if they know the basic storyline already.
For discussion of JNC's process for deciding what does and doesn't get a print release see: