Ascendance of a Bookworm Drama CDs
@unknownmat said in Ascendance of a Bookworm Drama CDs:
@kingcaesarrex said in Ascendance of a Bookworm Drama CDs:
In addition to the anime 'soundscapes' drama cd's and the LN-based drama cd's, there is also a drama cd that comes bundled with the Japanese version of the season 2 blu-ray. It's only about 20 minutes long and has two short stories.
This is only in the Japanese BD release, right? I will buy the US BD if it's available translated on there...
They aren't. The US bluray is pretty bare-bones, and only has the OVAs and clean OP/ED as extras.
@unknownmat Ahh i would want a cd too! Jnovel, i assure you, I'd be one of those interested, please ToT
@screamsintwod The problem with drama CDs isn't finding enough people interested in buying, it's that they're just extremely hard to license since they aren't solely owned by the publishing company, but also usually the anime committee and the voice acting agencies, not to mention royalties owed to the voice actors themselves.
Kinda like things like Tatsunoko vs Capcom turned out to be. Many of the IP have their licenses spread upon many a publisher
@myskaros As a wise man once said:
@myskaros i realize this is quite an old topic to reply to, but I couldn’t find a better place to ask my question.
If licensing issues are what halt the translation of drama CD’s, because making them would require a lot of wallets to be sated over at a lot of companies, wouldn’t it be easier to try licensing only the script and try releasing them in a written format, rather then in their original audio state?
For those in the know I believe my question in itself reveals how little I know about these kind of things, but my question is genuine.
@Orangeriff If you've read fanbook 2, there's a couple of bits about the recording session for the first drama CD in there. They often tweak some of the wordings as they record, so it's entirely possible there is no script to license.
@GeorgeMTO said in Ascendance of a Bookworm Drama CDs:
@Orangeriff If you've read fanbook 2, there's a couple of bits about the recording session for the first drama CD in there. They often tweak some of the wordings as they record, so it's entirely possible there is no script to license.
Possibly worse, if the tweaking is adlibbing by the VAs on the fly, as sometimes is the case.
There could well be ambiguity concerning who would have the IP rights to said adlibbed tweaks depending upon the contracts between VAs, their agents, the firm spearheading the project &c.
It's bad enough having multiple entities you'd need to negotiate with, but if the first step is getting those involved in the Japanese project to agree on who would be an interested party to the negotiations? There'd need to be a lot of money on the line before they'd bother, but if it weren't established in advance and the translated project turned out successful it could get ugly further down the line.