Light novel looking for publisher info
Hello everyone. I'm looking for information on how to get a personal light novel professionally published. I have my book over on Amazon but all it is doing is just sitting there. The most important thing to me is to have people read it, comment on it and tell me if they enjoy it or not. Any ideas? How to get it in front of the publishers or agents or both?
@Chemsem - one way to get more readers might be to add your LN to Kindle Unlimited -- you lose some individual sales, but you get people trying it because it's free for them to try it. If you build readers some might buy the next book.
I don't know of any publishers that sell English author LNs, but maybe someone else can help. JNC had a LN contest (see News) but it ended January 31st.
@HarmlessDave Ugh! I missed the deadline and didn't even know. Thank you for the suggestions. I will try them out.
Is it your book? I am also learning Amazon KDP now. just learn from Youtube