So bummed about my wrong guess of this getting licensed at AX. Really want to read and don’t want to watch the anime without having read the book.
Those covers! <3!
The more this one gets delayed, the more we'll have to wait for a new volume of AmaBri (V8 was released on June 18, 2016), too. Oh well... we can just wait.
@terabyte Author is ill so It could take time because of his suffering from pneumonia, 7th vol. was pushed because of it and I think it will take a long time for him to write at least something....since October 2016 he didn´t wrote a single book,well there was FMP anime but that was it....I hope he will be get better soo he could write like he used to
First episode was very interesting. If I hadn’t read the Arifureta novels, I would have dropped the Arifureta anime in favor of this one. Animation and character designs were pretty good, such a shame this studio will forever be stigmatized with Berserk 2016, even though they weren’t in charge of the cgi in that one.
I will definitely keep watching and really wish the LNs were licensed...
So bummed about my wrong guess of this getting licensed at AX. Really want to read and don’t want to watch the anime without having read the book.
Those covers! <3!
The anime first episode was quite good with what look like a really interesting world building. I'm a bit worry because of the author tho. FMP also had a good start but ended up quicly losing in quality, so I hope this story stay good and the anime help getting the LN licensed.
1st Episodes of Anime was very well received!!!
I watched the 1st episode,and I'm stoked! interesting setting, tight direction, quality art.
Some blended flavor of Alien Nation, odd couple buddy cop stuff, and sword/sorcery (and maybe romance?)
would love to see this licensed!
finished 1st ep.and this feels completely different from FMP and Amagi,I REALLY LOVE IT am I REALLY WANT THIS LICENCED!!!!!....I DON´T EVEN CARE ANYMORE!!!!!
I posted on Yen Press twiter Suggestion for fun and It pretty good response!! link of tweet
After watching the first two episodes of the anime, I can say for sure that I'd love to see this licensed. Such a promising start.
People loved first 2ep and now dislike it with 3rd ep because of few bad animation and some cliches(come on almost in every series is cliche) and Raiting of Anime went really down....THIS NEED´S TO GET LICENCED TO JUSTIFY THE LIGHT NOVEL!!
I seriously don’t understand the dislikes it’s getting. I guess people just being anal about it. Still was a fine episode to me, sure animation wasn’t on par to the previous episodes but that happens to a lot of animes.
@theredjet said in Cop Craft: Dragnet Mirage Reloaded:
and Raiting of Anime went really down
It did...? I could swear it was like 7.40 after the 2-nd ep and is 7.37 now. If so, the change is miniscule, especially if you consider that the 3-rd episode was indeed animated very badly.
From the staff and promo materials I was afraid that anime would be a complete trainwreck but luckily it's more or less decent for now. Yes, animation varies from below-the-average to just plain bad, at times it feels rushed and the chardesign adaptation isn't the best but at least they are faithfully following the hq source material and the direction is pretty good, it looks like no matter how cheap and rushed the production is, main staff is trying very hard to make it look decent.
@novurdim it went from 7.49 to 7.37
@theredjet said in Cop Craft: Dragnet Mirage Reloaded:
@novurdim it went from 7.49 to 7.37
MAL's score progression shows
So yeah, it has dropped but not critically so considering the circumstances, most of the summer shows had their mean score reduced even more. Hopefully, in the future Cop Craft will be able to up the quality at least back to the level of the first 2 episodes.
Mal scores fluctuate so much while anime are airing that's not really worth checking if not a year or two after the show has finished airing. Even then it's so inflated (upwards) that it hardly means anything.
@an4th said in Cop Craft: Dragnet Mirage Reloaded:
Even then it's so inflated (upwards) that it hardly means anything.
You are simply adjusting it for yourself. Everyone's idea of a "fair score" is so different that you don't literally look at the numbers since that doesn't make much sense, you look at the correlation between the scores. Every average score in existence can only give you an idea of what is better received by the general public, I'm not sure what other meaning you are looking for.
@novurdim said in Cop Craft: Dragnet Mirage Reloaded:
@an4th said in Cop Craft: Dragnet Mirage Reloaded:
Even then it's so inflated (upwards) that it hardly means anything.
You are simply adjusting it for yourself. Everyone's idea of a "fair score" is so different that you don't literally look at the numbers since that doesn't make much sense, you look at the correlation between the scores. Every average score in existence can only give you an idea of what is better received by the general public, I'm not sure what other meaning you are looking for.
I can hardly take an average score seriously when people give 10s or 1s just to bump their favorite/hated series up and downs possibly with multiple accounts too. I forgot to add a /dowards there since that goes both ways. Which is why I said scores there hardly mean anything. What you said is true for actual surveys made professionally.
So yeah it's a score but take it with a grain of salt is what I'm saying. I personally don't read average scores on mal, I rate my series to remember if I liked them or not from 1 to 10.
@an4th said in Cop Craft: Dragnet Mirage Reloaded:
I rate my series to remember if I liked them or not from 1 to 10
Just like 99% of people on MAL, you are highly overestimating an effect from the malicious accounts and are just weirdly trying to paint MAL black, I can confidently say that your reasoning is wrong. There are aggregators that manipulate scores like EroGameScape and those should be taken with a grain of salt but MAL is more than straightforward in that regard, I can only guess that you simply dislike the general opinion.