Overlap announces Comiket 92 Merchandise
J-NC should totally sell Comiket merchandise for us. I want to make my wallet bleed right now with some of that stuff. (Yes, I'll take a Yue Dakimakura too.)
@aruseus493 Not to sound rude but does J Novel Club even have the resources to make merchandise right now.
Wasn't thinking of J-NC making merchandise as much as selling some of the stuff the publishers are.
(I understand that this won't come to fruition and there aren't even any Doujinshi listed in the products page just saying stuff...I would still buy)
If that is even an option how much merchandise exists for the series we have right now. Light novel's typically only get lots of merch after a successful anime and only a few of the series here have been animated and for the ones that have I haven't seen any merchandise floating around.
I'm mostly referring to the stuff Overlap is selling at Comiket 92 which is in this link. I can typically get the normal stuff like LNs and Manga through proxy services, but Comiket exclusive merchandise is a lot harder and I don't even know if any proxy services will do Comiket stuff.
@aruseus493 You take Yue and the police takes you.
Totally worth it.