Please help fill a short survey on light novels
Hi everyone! We are working on a student project researching US readers' preferences for light novels. Based on the insights from this survey, we will come up with some recommendations for Japanese light novel publishers to improve product quality and consumer experience in US market.
Can you please spend a few minutes filling out this survey?
The survey will be closed by this April 15. We really appreciate your help on this and would love to hear your thoughts! Thank you!
Just went through the survey, I hope it was helpful.
@Eternal-Wanderer Thanks a lot!!
I don't live in the US, but I rely on their licensing for my light novel purchases. Would it be good if I fill too?
@shrike_al Yes definitely! Would love to hear from non US readers as well
That was a fun survey.
University of Southern California?
Interesting… -
@Nutaris Thanks for filling it!
@piisfun Yup, I am a student at USC :)
Finished your survey. It had some really good questions! I love mentioning my favorite series, so this was a good chance lol. Also, I think what you're doing is awesome, so keep up the good work!
You should probably be expecting to sort that question by hand. I listed five titles myself, and I doubt I am the only one.
@Netsupie Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!
Filled out the survey, good luck with it.
This post is deleted! -
@CaramelWithoutTheSalt Thanks for the feedback! Will keep that in mind if we prepare a new survey.
@catstorm thank you!
@dhruvb filled it our for you, I’m in Scotland. I haven’t been reading light novels long so it’s not the most detailed survey you’ll read and I might be on the older end of your survey audience (early 40s) but perhaps that will be of interest too.
@Vegangoth It's great to hear from a diverse range of audiences so I definitely appreciate your inputs. Thanks for taking the time to fill the survey :)
Making me pick a single favorite character from all the series I read? That’s just cruel. Submitted!
@EmpactWB Lol next time I'll make sure to include more options for favorite characters. Thanks for filling the survey :)