About the name Veight in Marchen der werewolf
I’m curios about pronunciations of MC name
In LN (no idea about wn but assume it’s the same) there’s Veight ,Wight ,Vaito already. From what little I know of Japanese it should pronounce wai-to (like fight not weight), so I want to know what’s the difference in original text the author use in those 3 and how to pronounce them. (I kinda enjoy when mc get frustrated about somebody get his name wrong lol)
Thx for answering my stupid curiosity.
@deadpoetc I've always taken the spelling to be somewhat German-like and have pronounced it like kite, but with a v. That's just me and other's mileage (and pronunciation) may vary. If you want to jump into a real mess, (You were warned...)
@Paul-Nebeling Yeah, that's how I pronounce it as well. Even if in Japanese it should be different that's still how I'll always pronounce it because there are plenty Germanic influences to back it up.
I've always pronounced it rhyming with weight in my head, if I've been wrong this whole time man that will really be weird trying to fix it mentally haha
Thx for the reply guys
@LegitPancake The 1st one that’s actually annoyed me is Tanya (Youjo Senki/Saga of Tanya the devil). I always thought it’s Tan-ya when it’s actually ta-nia.
Hmm... I think maybe it's Vei-to or Vii-to in Japanese, I'm not native so I just guessed from how other characters miss pronouncing his name. well I also kinda enjoy how frustrated he is about his name hehe
Hmm, when I pronounce it in german it sound like the english word "fight"
@saskir That would be the proper German pronunciation. Then again, the proper German pronunciation of Volkswagen is folks-vag-en.
Veight's name in Japanese is ヴァイト - that's Vaito in romaji. If you treat the Japanese as the correct pronunciation then it's an English V sound and rhymes with fight.