Kinos' Journey
Vol.22 is slated forJuly 2019!!(1 year 9 months since last vol.)
I was wondering when a new volume would release.
Cover for Vol. XXII(22) releasing next month!!!.......SO FOCKIN BEAUTIFUL!!!!
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Still hoping against hope that this gets picked up someday.
I would love to have this in English but I'm not surprised it's super pricy to license.
Since the recent license batch has spurred more suggestions, I thought I'd give this topic a bump. I know it's not the easiest to license, but I would be thrilled if it can one day follow the recent trend of some older and rescue series being licensed that everyone thought would never happen.
This is one I like enough to put in the effort to read it in Japanese (painfully slowly, but it's good motivation for me to keep up and hopefully improve my modest level of Japanese after graduating), and I will buy it both digitally and physically if given the opportunity.
Bump because I bought Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina, Vol. 1 and found it shallow and boring compared to both versions of the Kino anime.
Reading WWtJoA makes me really wish for a rescue of Kino :( ... I guess I'll just watch Kino again over the holiday break instead.
@HarmlessDave Yeah, I was rather disappointed in the first Elaina book seeing as how people refer to it as "magical Kino's Journey" sometimes. But the second one was a big improvement imo, so maybe give it another shot?
All the high-profile rescues lately give me hope that Kino's Journey may one day be picked up too.