My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday (Boku wa Asu, Kinou no Kimi to Deto Suru)
Japanese Title: Boku wa Asu, Kinou no Kimi to Deto Suru
English Title: My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday
Literal translation: Tomorrow I Will Date With Yesterday's You
Author: Takafumi Nanatsuki (Shomin Sample author)
Publisher: Takarajimasha Bunko
Status: Complete - 1 volume
Adaptation: A Live-action MovieIt's a bit difficult to talk about the plot.
It will be really spoil-ish so, I'll say a bit and just stop before hitting any important parts:On February 15, 20-year-old Takatoshi Minamiyama, a visual arts undergraduate and satirist in Kyoto, falls in love at first sight with Emi Fukuju while boarding a train for college.
After awkwardly introducing each other, the two promise to meet again in the following days. With the help of his friend, Shoichi Ueyama, Takatoshi asks for a date with Emi, at the end of which he confesses his love for her.Takatoshi finds Emi to be strange, being able to predict things that would happen to him, with the tendency to cry whenever he does something nice to her.
She also never wants to spend time with him after midnight.
After the two consummate their relationship on March 1, Takatoshi discovers Emi's journal that she purposefully left on the table.AND STOP!
So, unlike his harem comedy, this story is a bit of melodramatic romance, a tearjerker, with sci-fi element. (last bit is obvious from the title tbh.) (and it's the author's first try to write general literature. He was all like he's growing old and soon, he won't be able to write for people who are in their 20's, and he need to switch to general literature and it sold more than 1M copy)
I'm all for more pure romance stories whether romcom or romantic drama. +1
This sounds like it has a nice ring to it. I'm in.
So, I watched the movie based on this novel.
It was so beautiful that I had to re-recommend this novel.I started the movie knowing that it would be tragedy in a way or another but I didn't exactly expected it to be that, not world-will-end tragedy or no-hope tragedy or anything pessimistic, it's beautiful, heartwarming, enjoy-the-moment movie yet heartbreaking at the same time.
I started crying a little bit close to the middle of the movie and kept tearing up every now and then yet couldn't help but smile at many scenes in between.
The movie started with this awkward portion of romcom that kept me grinning from ear to ear starting from awkward love-at-first-sight confession to sweet scenes of the couple getting closer. However, by the end of the movie, even these little things, little incidents, little precious moments started to weigh even more and grew even more precious.