My Little Sister Can Read Kanji Volume 5?
I was wondering if there is any ideas as to when this is going to be released, if it is going to be released at all? I really liked the series and it has been a while since Volume 4's release.
Probably will. May as well ask the big man himself.
@sam-pinansky What's the likelihood of the final SisKan volume being released this year? -
Still no word from him? Would there be a better way of asking Sam?
@godsgoldenpubes I guess Discord server? He's around in there from time to time. (Less than before though, he's busy.)
@terabyte no wonder, JNC is growing way too fast!! :D
@godsgoldenpubes @terabyte
Honestly, the best way to get an answer is to ask him on Curious Cat. Won't be an immediate answer, but I'd say it's better than hoping he shows up on discord. -
@doublemangekyo I asked on Curious Cat a few months back and he mentioned he needed to get around to it. More people asking can’t hurt at all.
I think JNC has grown more and faster than he’d expected it to, and he probably bit off more than he could chew by choosing to personally translate a title that very few other translators could handle and also one that doesn’t have enormous commercial viability.
@the-green-death To say nothing of being the second title licensed to be translated. (Ocultic;Nine being the first.)
Hopefully a solution can be found and we can get volume 5 eventually. I'd like to start this series but I'm waiting to see if this volume will get translated.
@artistofmanga exactly! I don't want to invest in the series if the final volume won't come out
I will complete it. And it has to be this year since the license runs out otherwise.
@sam-pinansky said in My Little Sister Can Read Kanji Volume 5?:
I will complete it. And it has to be this year since the license runs out otherwise.
Nothing like a deadline to get things going, eh? Good luck.
The end of the year is fast approaching. Anything new on this one?
I am also interested in any form of update. just recently read volume 1 and really enjoyed it! Going to read volume 2 very soon!
C'mon Sam, you know you wanna finish it...
@sam-pinansky said in My Little Sister Can Read Kanji Volume 5?:
I will complete it. And it has to be this year since the license runs out otherwise.
So as things look(?), this will be left unfinished at the turn of the year? Bummer. Also curious what will happen when a license runs out, will a title be pulled from the digital storefront? Would this be the first it happens to as all previous ln titles are still here (Second Life notwithstanding)?
I'd like to read this too, but I don't want to get into series that'll be left unfinished.
Going to guess this is the first JNC “lost license” then, unless part of of volume five is released in the next three weeks. That’s too bad, it was a wonderfully stupid and funny series
@the-green-death Sam said on discord that Siskan was actually a 5-year contract. So he has a little under 2 years to release it.
@doublemangekyo Ah sweet!!!