Novel reader font choices
This is your chance to give feedback on what fonts you think should be available to choose from for part reading. The current choices are "Crimson Text", "Lora", and "Open Sans". If you have a favorite font, maybe a font that another application (such as Kindle) uses, or a font over at seems particularly suited for this, do tell.
I will start to update this post with choices of other reading apps. If you have any to add, post them
Play Books: Sans, Literata, Merriweather. Goudy, Vollkorn
Kindle for PC: Amazon Ember (obviously not available), Baskerville, Bookerly, Caecilia, Georgia, Helvetica, Lucida, OpenDyslexic, Palantino
Lithium (Android): Open Sans, PT Serif, Domine, Lato, Arbutus Slab
Moon Reader (Android): Sans-serif, Serif, Monospace, Calluna, Sorts mill goudy, Vollkorn, Droid Sans, Roboto, Noto Sans/Serif
B&N Nook Web Reader: Arial, Verdana, Trebuchet, Palantino, Times, Georgia, Lucida Mono, CourierIdeally around 5 "best" choices would be ideal. There will always be at least one serif and one sans-serif font. Make sure any choices are not paid/proprietary (e.g. "Amazon XXX")
I usually upload my epubs on Play Books, so I vote for using the same fonts it has. My second reader choice is Lithium usually.
I like Roboto, but it's very similar to Open Sans so you probably don't need both. I like Roboto better, though.
I also think you should include a font designed for dyslexia. I don't know which ones are best, or how licensing them works, so I'm not going to recommend a particular one, but I think it would be worth adding.
It was already mentioned in the first post, but I really like Literata (the default from Play Books; Google also open sourced it, so there's no licensing to worry about.)
@FalseAim Would probably be this one: . It's on the list, it's "open" and it's pretty popular
@FalseAim yes, a dyslexia font would be great
I really like Vollkorn and Palantino (including free clones like Mathpazo). I'd add that having a good CJK font would also be nice for the novels set in Japan that have some kanji and kana interspersed.
The web reader should use Crimson Text.
I would also like to have Crimson Text available in the new reader and the app. The currently available serif fonts in the new reader all feel heavier than either serif font in the old reader.
Crimson Text would be preferable to all the fonts currently available in the reader.
It's funny you mention as Google's fonts I've always found to be universally terrible.
@mlindner That may or may not be true, but they're also free, easy to use, and have SDKs available for mobile
If crimson text is indeed the old font, i would prefer it. I've tried using all of the new ones and all are more difficult for me to read.
My preference would be that one of Crimson Text (from the old reader) or Georgia (default font when you open an ebook on google play desktop browser) be included on the available list.
Definitely a fan of the previous font. The new ones are somewhat passible, but Crimson Text had thinner lines, no bunching on the "Th", and felt more readable to me. All the new fonts are thicker in comparison and feel crowded when reading.
@jpwong said in Novel reader font choices:
My preference would be that one of Crimson Text (from the old reader) or Georgia (default font when you open an ebook on google play desktop browser) be included on the available list.
I second this opinion.
Most of the current options display text that seems too 'thick' on desktop. -
For serif fonts, I prefer the old reader's Lora and Crimson Text to Literata and Vollkorn. On my reader app (Librera Pro) I use PT Astra Serif.
For sans serif fonts, my current favourite is Arial Nova Cond. It can be obtained free if you're on Windows, not sure for other OSes though.
@Daiz said in Novel reader font choices:
Crimson Text would be preferable to all the fonts currently available in the reader.
Agree. I generally prefer Palatino on all of my mobile reading apps, but Crimson Text isn't bad and is much better than any of the current fonts.
@mlindner said in Novel reader font choices:
It's funny you mention as Google's fonts I've always found to be universally terrible.
Not sure about universally - I didn't have time to look at everything - but most of the ones I saw were poorly kerned or had irregular letter spacing, were too heavy or too light, and the most readable ones for me were very bland.
Crimson Text as been (re-)added for the website's novel reader. It will be added to the app in the next update