Member but can't access threads in Member's Forum
I should have access to the basic member's forum. Instead I am getting this:
Access Denied
You seem to have stumbled upon a page that you do not have access to.
Last night I had emailed about not being able to read the pre-pubs, which seems to have been fixed, so thank you. Now I just can't see the thread. I can get into the Member's Forum and see the different threads, I just can't access the threads.
Sorry to hear you are having difficulties with forum access.
I suggest you send another email to support for them to look into it.
Hopefully it can be resolved soon!
Alright, Thank you @Rahul-Balaggan I'll do that.
I have the same problem. Aquired membership and can read prepubs, but denied acess to member's forum.
I would also suggest you email to better assist you with this issue.