Error 404 for books
I am unable to get in to any of the books atm from the new site. The error message i get says "error 404". I have tried a few books the main one i wanted was Ascendance of a bookworm part 5.
I have tried with Chrome and firefox same issue.
When i go back to the old site it makes me unlog, so when i try to login it takes me to the new site and then i click on the old site due to the the above error it unlogs me again.
I am a member not a premium member, i am wondering if setting for the member are not correct on the site.
thanks for your help
@Martin Could you provide us with the URL you are getting a 404 at?
I get this after clicking on part 5 of the ascendance of a bookworm
i also get that when i click on read previews :(
@Martin Could you please email and reference this issue? We may need to ask for some personal data or screenshots
I am having a similar issue. It does not see me 'logged in' when trying to read books, but I am currently logged in for this forum.
@chocolatkey said in Error 404 for books:
I have emailed them :)
Thanks for trying
Thank you for reporting these issues! If you have e-mailed us, then we will continue assisting you via e-mail. If anyone else is reading this and encountering the same issue, please e-mail us at with information about what parts you're trying to read!
This issue should be fixed, it was caused by Google SSO users not having a verified email. We have relaxed this requirement, so you should now be able to read parts. If not, please let us know
Thank you for your quick response :)
@Th_tar hopefully it will be working for you now Th_tar