When will The Apothecary Diaries have paperback version?
Hello I just want to ask how long will it take for ebook to have paperback version, in this case, for Kusuriya no Hitorigoto series.
@sei02 We do not know if it will receive a paperback version.
@kbaggy aww okay. Thank you! π π
@sei02 Its a case by case basis, depending on the popularity of each series.
@sei02 If the ebooks sell very high enough, that is one factor for it to get physical book release
There's also other factors like initial publisher agreements when licensing the series, series getting an anime and other things but we'll never know exactly how they decide on it
We simply haven't complained about the lack enough yet.
Hmm... Forget the paper version of the story, I just need a Maomao plushie.
Err... Maomao (the kitten) not Maomao (the young woman) just to be clear here...