Demon Lord, Retry! Vol 9
Any idea of when this will be translated?
There is no set date for when Volume 9 will start pre-publication on the site, at this time.
For a general overview of how new volume starts are handled at J-Novel Club. Please see the following topic,
It's literally the only thing left I read on the site. If it's not out by the time my subscription runs out, I think I won't re-up. Which will be kinda sad, it's been over 7 years now.
"holding out for a hero" plays in the background.
It is kind of a shame, I know that nothing gets "dropped" by J-Novel, but this volume seems to have been left in the wilderness. Which is a grand shame.
Ever so curious what happened considering how the previous volumes were released quite rapidly.
Mindless speculation however leads us nowhere and the admin team would never divulge the background. All we can do is wait. I actually never released how long it has been since the last release of the translated volume...time certainly does fly.
@custodes it's been out for less than a year in Japan after just shy of 2 years of hiatus. Jnc haven't been any slower in translating it than the author was in writing it yet.
@custodes - around 6 months is typical for new volumes in a series after JNC has caught up with the already-released volumes so 8 months isn't that much longer.
Since JNC rarely gives us the inside details we'll just have to guess. Delays getting the needed materials from Japan? Difficulty scheduling the translation team because they're busy with other titles? We'll probably never know.
@HarmlessDave said in Demon Lord, Retry! Vol 9:
Delays getting the needed materials from Japan? Difficulty scheduling the translation team because they're busy with other titles?
For that matter, delays getting the necessary materials from Japan may prevent them from being able to schedule the translation team. So there could end up being two long delays, once for the materials and another for the translation team.
For publishers that also print releases (i.e., not JNC), there may be further delays due to having to schedule printing, binding, and shipping to distributers only after translation schedule is known.
@Rahul-Balaggan i was wondering about that too. since there are two volumes left untranslated
vol.9 September 29, 2023 ISBN 978-4-575-24677-3
vol.10 September 30, 2024 ISBN 978-4-575-24772-5 -
@Bian-Zoldark it's very rare that volumes not yet released in Japan can get licensed by an English publisher to begin translation. V10 likely won't take as long after v9 as v9 has been taking to start up, but resuming a stalled translation has more parts involved than continuing an ongoing one does, so it's not unusual for it to take time.
Rahul Balaggan