Can’t access the Catchups
They’re all still in the catch up section. I should be able to access them but now when I try to read them, it’s trying to make me pay. This started last night and I thought oh maybe they’re just changing the catchups right now and I’m experiencing a lag and they’ll put new ones up or something. That leads me into today where I still don’t have access to the catch ups and they weren’t changed and they should be working fine. every time I try to access a chapter they keep trying to make me pay and I have like five chapters left and an eight volume series that I would really like to finish.
i’m assuming this is a bug problem, but it’s really irritating and feels kind of scam like. -
@Hunter1291 I'm noticing your name doesn't have a level next to it. I think that means the system doesn't have you logged in as a member.
Per the "How it works" page, they list three levels:
"Free Account" ("Read Part 1 of all books for free")
"Regular Membership" ("Read volumes being translated with new parts each week")
"Premium Membership" ("Includes everything from the Regular Membership plus stuff").Did you have a regular membership that expired last night?
@SomeOldGuy There is also a possibility they are still logged into the forums, but not the main site. The main site and forums have separate login sessions and time out on a different interval, so they may just need to log in again.