JNC Contest - How Do I Do My Synopsis?
Hello, I am looking to participate in the JNC Writing Contest, and I'm trying to figure out how much info I should put in my synopsis? For context, I'm submitting into the Ongoing Series Category.
Basically, I'm wondering if my synopsis should cover just the portion I've submitted, or the "whole" story. Obviously, depending on the answer, this would affect exactly how much info and detail I put into my synopsis (especially because I have a very long story planned out with a lot of moving parts).
Since I have to sub an entire plot outline anyways, I would assume having a very long and detailed synopsis would be unnecessary and annoying for staff--but also, it's a synopsis, so it should cover everything you would assume?
If any staff could answer, I would very much appreciate it!
@A_Tor Hello,
The synopsis should be similar to a back of the book blurb. Feel free to keep it short.
@Rahul-Balaggan Thanks for the clarification!