Let's talk about Light Novel Love Triangles
It's kind of a sloooooooow burn. Even up till volume 13 we don't really have too much concrete developments. Most of it is still played for laughs after all, but there is a steady change in the way characters are portrayed in how they feel about each other. Spoilers below.
So I think I'm at the halfway point with White Album 2. I know what happens because I've seen the anime, but yeah, the drama is starting (and some potentially awkward romantic dialogue I have to read aloud or skim through for my recordings is too).
I'm unabashedly team Kazusa. =]
I may get the light novels if they're still available on Bookwalker when I finish up with the VN, though I already have enough on my plate that I'm not reading from there (I've got some triangle romance novels there; maybe I'll check those out someday soon).