Premium E-Book Bonus Contents List!
@nofairytale Unfortunately we did not receive any bonus materials for Matchmaking/volume 6.
@myskaros Thanks for the confirmation. Rather disappointing since the Japanese digital edition has 【特典SS付】 but okay.
edit: I read back a few pages and actually the situation has been addressed before. Here's hoping that future short stories make it into the premium editions.
@myskaros This probably isn't the place to ask but I noticed in my library that Volume 9 of How Not to Summon a Demon Lord has a green banner saying update on it. It's been like that for a week, is it normal or did you guys somehow retroactively add some new bonus content to it?
@king-of-the-end We periodically fix typos and grammatical issues and whatnot, as well as make small changes to image typesetting, etc. Most of the time ebook updates are along those lines. When a book goes to print, we will also try to backport the print edition back to digital as well, though it's not generally a high priority so this might take months before it happens. Any more dramatic changes will usually be accompanied by a forum post in that volume's forum topic.
@myskaros Thanks for clearing that up.
May I know the steps on how I can view the Premium Bonus Content for "How A Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom"? thanks and more powers to J-Novel Club
@jettelosa257 if you bought the ePub from the site directly the premium bonuses are the stories at the back of the book, they aren’t separate files
Just wanted to say. My 2 very favorite light novels are both from J-Novel. Ascendance of a Bookworm & Fushi No Kami. I wished to support them so much that I have paper & ebook of AOAB although only ebook is available for FNK.
The premium e-book content was such a draw to me that after reading the 1st chapter of book 5 of FNK I just repurchased the Fushi No Kami ebooks this time through J-Novels site just to get the bonus content.
If there were a paper release of FNK you’d have one buyer at least.
@lokison - I re-purchased the first 5 volumes of Realist Hero as premium editions just for the bonus stories, after seeing how good the bonus stories were in the later volumes.
@harmlessdave My kindle has a category "Replaced by Premium" for repurchased books, because there were issues with which version it would display where. I shouldn't have to add to the 50 titles already in there,
We have hot a roadblock in this topic, the opening post has officially reached the maximum character limit, as such it can no longer be updated.
So we have created a new topic where users can view what volume of which series has what premium content:
And now we retire this topic.
Thank you for reading.