Rental System
You can now rent expired prepub parts using Coins! Rentals unlock a part or chapter for reading for 72 hours, and if you decide you want to own the book after renting it, all active rentals for that book will apply a discount to the cost of the premium ebook.
- How much do rentals cost?
- Around 40 Coins per part or chapter; manga chapters have variable prices based on page count.
- When will rentals be available on the app?
- Rentals are available on both the Android and iOS apps!
- When does a newly translated volume become available to rent?
- As soon as it's expired! If you see a green "expires" date, then check back on that date. Please note that expirations are handled manually by staff, so it may take some time until a specific volume gets expired on that day.
- Is everything available to rent?
- Most of our catalog can be rented right now, but not everything is available yet. We hope to get our entire catalog up as soon as possible!
- Can I see the color images or bonus stories by renting?
- You will have to purchase the full premium ebook to see color images, bonus stories, and any other images that are found in the final book such as character introductions or maps and schematics.
- How does the rent-to-own discount work exactly?
- In the 72 hours that a rental is active, the Coins that were paid to rent a part or chapter will provide a direct discount to the price of the premium ebook. As soon as the rental expires, the discount is also lost. In other words, if you think you might want to buy the book after renting it, make sure you read the rental as soon as you can instead of waiting until the last day! :)
- Are the parts updated from the prepub version for rentals?
- Yes, the plan for the long term is to backport the final ebook text to the prepub parts, but in the short term we are still manually updating our back catalog. Since we have 4 digits of volumes now, we ask for your patience as we update the text for all our old books!
I'll add to this list as questions come up, so feel free to ask in this topic!
- How much do rentals cost?
How long is the discount on purchasing a book that was rented in place? Does the discount expire?
@geetop Added to the first post!
How does the rent-to-own discount work exactly?
- During the 72 hours that the rental is active, the Coins paid to rent will discount the price of the premium ebook. As soon as the rental expires, the discount will be gone as well. In other words, if you think you might want to buy the book after renting it, make sure you read the rental as soon as you can instead of waiting until the last day! :)
@geetop Oh no, not you at all, I was letting you know that I added the answer to your question to the list :)
this sounds perfect
often 1 part isn't enough to know if I'll like it, or I read most of the volume but missed the last few parts before it expired and don't really want to buy the whole volume, so I've left a lot of things unread
I am older so not planning on re-reading a lot of light novel books so no need to purchase. The other factor is I have no one to leave them to (grandkids are 1 -4) and no idea what they would want to read etc.
Renting is a good option as it lets me maximize books read for my subscription price. I do think there is a point though when a series is a lot of parts that it is not as advantageous.
I've been with JNC since the beginning so I've already read any series I was interested in using the pre-pubs and got the premium version for the extras, but it's great to see JNC making good use of the coin system to give people an option they have requested (especially as JNC now has quite the back catalogue).
At first I thought the rental period was a little long for a part that should only take 30-60 minutes to read. But given the discount applied during that time, I now think it's too short. Unless perhaps the rental periods extend each other? Interesting idea though.
@Kurzaa I respectfully disagree. 72 hours should be plenty of time for you to decide if you want to purchase a book. Especially with the ability to read before you buy.
The 72 hours is per Part to my understanding (I had originally thought it was the entire Volume).
I think 72 hours per Part is a good compromise. On the subscriber side between work and real life things could happen so having three days to read a Part makes me feel safer. Even though it is 40 coins only if something should happen I would probably be planning every book I could complete using them and wouldnt want to waste them.
I reading and Subscription access to volume 2 not ended, but I can't read volume2 part 2 and next parts. This is a bug or new system work like this?
@lifespirit Rentals are only available after the volume has expired! You can see the expiration date for volume 2 is March 15, so please wait until it gets expired next week!
@myskaros but I have regular membership. I think I can read book2 right now... But when I try I get message: "Rent Reincarnated as an Apple: This Forbidden Fruit Is Forever Unblemished! Volume 2 Part 2
You don't currently have access to this part. You can rent it for 72h of temporary access, or buy the full volume and reap the benefits!"
@lifespirit Ah, that looks like a bug. I will let our devs know about this right away!
@lifespirit Sorry for the inconvenience, but we should have a fix coming very soon! I'll post when you can try again.
@lifespirit This bug should be fixed now! Sorry again for the inconvenience!
There are some series such as The Apothecary Diaries which dont support the rental system yet, will they start to support it by a specific date?
While we strive to offer all of our licensed series for rental that is not always an option.
There is no specific date for when series that do not have a rental option will.
If you wish to read the book your only option is purchasing the ebook.
Apologies for the inconvenience.