陰キャの僕に罰ゲームで告白してきたはずのギャルが、どう見ても僕にベタ惚れです An Introvert's Hookup Hiccups [Manga]
Title: 陰キャの僕に罰ゲームで告白してきたはずのギャルが、どう見ても僕にベタ惚れです | Inkya no Boku ni Batsu Game ni Kokuhaku shitekita Hazu no Gal ga, Dou Mitemo Boku ni Betabore desu | An Introvert's Hookup Hiccups: This Gyaru Is Head Over Heels for Me! [English title from JNC's LN translation]
Original Creator: 結石 | Yuishi
Original Character Design: Kagachi (かがち) かがちさく [ANN] | Kagachisaku [JNC, ANN] | Kagachi Saku [MAL]
Mangaka: 神奈なごみ | Nagomi Kanna | Twitter | MAL
Publisher: Kadokawa Comic Walker 2 volumes, ongoing.
BookWalker Series Page
MALIf not familiar with the franchise, follow the above link the JNC's translation of the LN. We look forward to your return and indication of your support.
If you are familiar with the franchise...nothing more need be said.
You know you want it. -
@Geezer-Weasalopes Oh, jeez... there's a manga? My pancreas is not going to be happy to learn this.
The author mentioned it in the afterward, so I went looking; buckled down and got this all done prior to commenting on the last part so there wasn't a repeat of several of us creating a suggestion topic for the same work at the exact same time...Clearly the J-Novel staff were already aware of the manga...they translated the afterward if nothing else.
We won't hear anything concerning negotiations unless successful...or someone else got there first.
From that perspective this is more to let us, the readers, know more details than were found in the afterward. -
More Yoshin and Nanami is always a good thing.