Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor
@myskaros said in Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor:
Eminent said in Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor:
JNC has licensed some other older series I believe, so there is hope.
We have and they generally perform poorly, so if you do want to see more stuff like that, it would help to show other LN readers those series we've already translated and see if they want to buy them first :)
Hmm, I see. Which ones do you think we should support most then. :) I know Earl & Fairy is one, and Knight's & Magic. I wonder what can be done to get more people interested...
@myskaros said in Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor:
We've tried licensing plenty of those, thinking that readers would like to read beyond the anime end, but in our experience it very rarely actually happens that way. I'm sure that there are a handful of individual readers who do buy the series, but we are still a business, and if these series don't break even when it comes to the costs of licensing and translating the books, then we hope everyone understands our hesitation to license more.
Wanting to know how the story of an anime continued is what pulled me into the LN scene, eventually resulting in my subscription here.
I think that J-Novel does not have any method to count pre-pub reading in sales numbers hurts here. We do pay for our membership and I know that J-Novel does have the data to track what we read since the mobile app shows completion bars for everything. Sure, it is not a full sale, but my membership was used to read various things. It just seems, from posts like this and what has been said on release streams, that subscription revenue is simply ignored when it comes to any given book profitability numbers.
@sorvani We do in fact have numbers for subscriptions. However, successful series perform well in ebook sales despite/in addition to the existence of the subscription, so that's not really a convincing argument. To repeat, we are a business, we need to be able to pay our translators and editors and letterers. And unfortunately, subscription completion bars don't put bread on the table :x
It sucks, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
I do appreciate you giving it a try though.
@myskaros Gotcha, thanks. 2+ years makes sense as a threshold. I know I try to follow series I enjoy the anime of, but I often don't get around to actually reading them even if I buy them (looking at you Supernatural Battles and Outbreak Company).
That said, I do want to say that I appreciate J-Novel continuing to license volumes from series with a low readership/that aren't very profitable. As a reader it makes me glad that I can read a series through to the end.
This is by far one of those series that needs a light novel license. The manga did an amazing job showing this masterpiece but sadly theres alot that wont be adapted by the manga. And to see such potencial in what could very well be one of the best series that we have gotten in the last decades going down the drain is sad. I pray that this get licensed so that light novel can show its wings and fly just like how it was made to do
please license it, I beg you.
Recommend licensing!