@hyferzftw said in Rightstuf giveaway today for Grimgar volume 1 (and a bunch of other good games / manga / anime):
@terrence I'm extremly lucky when it comes to in game rng for mostly any game but irl it's so much harder. Although now and then I do win a couple hundred from scratch off tickets. But as for a big give away I've only won one once(that was hard to type XD ) .I feel like it's impossible. But I guess you don't know how lucky you really are until you try. I don't personally ever try.
I'm... Ok with contests in the past, but it's all luck of the draw.
I've won about 13(?) books on Goodreads in the past, though I hear that if you don't do reviews for those immediately, they stop letting you win contests. I haven't won one in the last like 11 months, but I've mostly been sticking to Yen Press Giveaways there.
I won a contest for a video game once because I think I was the only entrant. xD
I've never won anything from GLEAM contests. Also, never won the Taco Bell PSVita / PS4 / PSVR contests (I think you had to be the first person to enter on a random minute the second the minute changes, so that's almost impossible for a human).
I got the 40% off Bookwalker coupon earlier in the week, but haven't gotten the 50% one. =[