V3P4 ~various things in this part
Possible author error here: "...Lydia... was still a teenager." also "...that happened ten years ago."
I'm confused about why Lydia was in the capital with Leticia, who it does say they both went to the academy (or whatever the adventuring school is called), but Lydia wouldn't know what her talent was in that world until she turned 12 years old.
This can't have been the reason why Lydia was not in her home town, as, if she's still a teenager during the current time, she'd have been at most 9 years old when she left their home town and the Hykalioni troops destroyed their village. If there is something I'm missing, or there will a reveal for how this happened later, please ignore this, but it just kind of set off warning bells in my head as I was reading this.
"...through unmeasurable dedication..." -> "...through immeasurable dedication..."
This one I had to look up to make sure I wasn't going crazy, but I'm pretty sure 'unmeasurable' looks to be for when something IS quantifiable, but not possible with the current tools at hand, while dedication can never be objectively measured, with or without something.