@raitoiro That's the point. They weren't firing back. It was also perfectly plausible that the terrorists used that village as a FOB, but GTFO of there after they realized the village is gonna get attacked. So, the protagonist and his friend along with the mercs they commanded just rounded up an entire village and slaughtered the inhabitants. Perfect, textbook war crime.
@smashman42 When you think about it, the system that Corpo set up is perfect for desensitizing people. They started treating it as a game to get as much points as they can. Suddenly, they are picked for further testing and the scope of the command increases, but it's still treated as a game along with the system keeping scores and granting them points. Their employers tricked them without technically lying to them or providing misinformation. It's them who assumed that it was still a simulation, so they can't really do anything to them.
This was quite a nice plot twist thoug. This reveal also definitely confirms that for all his lack of expressions and stoicism the protagonist isn't a sociopath or psychopath. Plus, I wonder how will they approach this situation in the future. For all intents and purposes, what they did was a bona fide war crime and can very easily get them into the court.
Edit: Now that I think about it, what if that woman he is meeting with is also from that village? Or knows some people who are there or from there? It will only add on to the drama.