This volume was more down to earth compared to the few before, more personal with less action. There's a lot of "oblivious to romance" but it's cute and well written so that it doesn't drag. And it has a very strong side character game, as usual.
As a character, Noelle is a treasure. I love how she's at the same time the true hero and a comedic relief, at once being scary good at anything she tries but also a little pathetic. Though that's something that a lot of the characters share - being highly capable but also something of a disaster. But still, there's only one Noelle.
Just like during the international tournament arc, often when Noelle fights against or with someone, we get a glimpse into what makes them tick, and they usually turn out to be interesting people you can empathize with. Even her opponents don't have to be monsters (though some are). I really like that approach.
Also, that cliffhanger was downright evil.