And on to the episode I missed last week: Caravan!
Interesting - I think Jinshi and Gaoshun's discussion about the caravan is new. We LN readers knew it was bigger than usual, but we weren't told why this was the case... (At least, not quite yet. The Quack spilling the beans to Maomao and co was in the novels.)
Shin's getting introduced a little earlier than she was in the books, too.
But don't think you can gouge me that easily! E-he-he-he-he-he!
...There might be a little too much Grams in Maomao these days...
Quack: "I didn't know you had friends!"
Maomao: ...He's not wrong...
Funny as that was... Maomao has more friends than she'd care to admit.
Ah, yes, the great smelling. 🤣 Those poor ladies-in-waiting... But hey, at least they got embarrassed for a good cause!
And looks like there's at least one more person out there who doesn't want more Imperial Kids...
Anyway, straight on to the next episode: Corpse Fungus!
So, the outdoors tea party. Oddly enough, the first time all series I've had to turn up the volume; at my normal listening volume, Lingli's cries weren't audible and it looked as though Gyokuyou was somehow persuaded by Jinshi staring off into the distance. Such a surreal moment on first watch - I didn't even realise there was meant to be a sound there until I checked the novel!
Jinshi and Gaoshun: "Maomao isn't glaring! Sound the alarm, the end times are upon us!"
Poor Tao. And Poor Maomao: Found the truth, but lost the mushrooms...
So, what have we covered this time? Well, Caravan did The Caravan and Perfume Oil. Corpse Fungus covered Corpse Fungus parts 1 and 2.
So far, we've covered 6/21 chapters in Vol 3. Mostly in order (though we still haven't covered the Prologue).