Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 (1992-1995) by Kazuhisa Kondo. A later adaptation of the original series.
Viz Communications published this in four volumes, which I also just happen to have on the bookshelf.
William Flanagan was the translator.
December 2001-April 2002 publication dates for the first printings.
I should reread all of these sometime, to justify having retained them if naught else.
Japanese Wikipedia Gundam Article provides greater detail concerning the various works.
小説/富野由悠季 朝日ソノラマ【全3巻】/ 角川書店 1979年–1981年 is the work published by Ballantine/Del Rey I mentioned previously.
「機動戦士ガンダム0079」 近藤和久 メディアワークス【全12巻】 1992年-2005年 appears to be the work I mention earlier in this post; I haven't checked to see if Viz released the additional volumes beyond the four I currently own. Ah, Viz only released nine volumes; that's still five more than I currently own.